Are Spicy Mama Burgers Really Spicy?

Mama burgers come in spicy and it wasn’t until today when I finally decided to try one out and find out if they are spicy. I can say that “YES” SPicy Mama burgers are in fact spicy and yummy may I add. I actually prefer them over the original mama burgers which are also delicious but after tasting fire in my mouth I am sure to get it again. :)- That doesn’t sound to pleasant I know, but it’s a good kind of fire.

I kid you not.. I enjoy it, I had fun eating it and I was blown away by its delicious hot flavor in my mouth. My taste buds screamed “OUCH” to its spicy flavor and it wasn’t a bad scream, it was a pleasurable kind. “KNOW OF THEM?” Of course you do.

Get yourself a Spicy mama burger and allow your taste buds to awaken to its hot, firey, tingles. HOTZ

I recommend you to bring along a cold beverage, you want to have some water on hand to put out the fire in your mouth. SIZZLE SIZZLE BURN “I’m kidding, it’s not that Hot” “Or am I?”



Spit It Out!