Truth On Pet Food

I just realized while eating a lasagna take out. Who knows lasagna could be so inspiring and give the gift of knowledge but, I realized as I watched my puppy Mimi beg for it that in the beginning and by that I mean of life.

Pets as they are called now were just animals and they would eat what was around like people do and would. Though as life evolved they became pets and their became pet food for specific animals and we created it. We don’t even really know what’s really in it, we just trust the labels stamped on them.

I mean if animals survived on actual food that grew in the ground or that they were meant to eat perhaps their life span would grow and their needs would be met and of course their mealtime would be just as enjoyable as ours. I mean look how excited they get watching us eating and want and beg for us to drop a few things to try and enjoy with us. I always give in and share. I love how excited Mimi gets, though I always make her sit before she gets it. haha :p

What are your thoughts?


Calling All Pirates

10552644_10152235196287984_3804322413889797290_nI looked outside and saw this. I think it’s a message, but what does it mean?

Maybe their Pirates and it’s a calling to go on a treasure hunt. “I hope so.” That would be really fun

I was singing and looked outside and saw it, maybe it was a sign to stop cause I was poisoning their ears?

hahahaha “Nahhh” I sing good :p

If you were a pirate what kind of pirate would you be?

I’d be a pirate that had floating hearts coming off of me and every where I went I sent hearts to everyone and they could eat them like candy and they have little messages on them. Like the valentine hearts. “I do love those”

There is a high possibility I am drunk writing, but there is also a chance I am just saying that. “I’ll never tell.”


10 Facts About Me You May Not Know

1. “I’m days away from turning 30”10417764_10152219042767984_2489549909573246768_n

2. I couldn’t tell time till I was 12 and even still have trouble with it.

3. When I am writing in a card etc… I avoid spelling congratulations because I can’t spell it so I write congrats.

4. I looked up how to spell congratulations and pasted it into this post.

5. I learned the rainbow differently than every other kid it seems. “Red and yellow and pink and blue, purple and orange and green, you can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too.”

6. I was a caregiver for my sisters child in high school.

7. I’ve only been in four relationships in my life.

8. I have certain things I want to do or accomplish in life. “Write a book.” (done) “Publish a book” (Done) “have children” (Done) “Ride in a limo” “Have my own album” “Have riches and never have to worry about money again.” “Be successful doing what I love.” “Travel without kids.” “Go on a honey moon” “Have a beautiful wedding.” “Experience love at it’s purest.”

9. I have 3 brothers and two sisters.

10. My name along with all my siblings and parents were changed when I was 9.


Bee the Size Of a Golf Ball

BIG BEE Pictures, Images and PhotosSo I was lying in bed with Niki who was fast asleep in my bed when I heard this loud buzzing noise coming from the living room . I peeked over to see and there was this huge bee the size of a golf ball flying around. It was slow and wasn’t sure how to get back out through my sliding door and I wasn’t about to approach it to help. I was scared, my heart was throbbing and I kept waiting for the right time to rush over to the window and open it wider and pull back the curtain more so it could fly the hell out of my house with its big ass and stop freaking me out. After about 15 minutes of me freaking out and waiting and trying to master a plan in my mind it flew behind the curtain and I ran to the window and within about 2 seconds I managed to pull back the curtain and open the window two feet and it was 30 seconds later when the slow golf ball bee managed to fly outside and go back where it came from.


Thank goodness.

I really do not like bees. I need screens, and lots of fans before summer. I cannot deal with that again.

That bee was soo big, but it was better than the smaller ones that are more annoying and curious. Those actually linger and check out the joint before they make their way out where they came from. I think they like to play with those who are afraid, wait till I buy an electric bee zapper, they wont want to enter and scope out my joint without a big ZING in the stinger. Oh Yes Bee’s.

You’re an intruder and I have rights to zap you.